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by Rosa Rankin-Gee

Chance is born four years from now, in a London close to home - where social divides are deepening, and climate change is playing its hand.Set against a backdrop of rising populism, austerity and a creeping mainstreaming of social engineering and eugenics, Dreamland is a story of love, loss, friendship, adventure, and, against all odds, hope.

Simon & Schuster
Publish Date
May 2021

Chance, her mother and brother are moved from cramped hotel room to cramped hotel room in emergency accommodation. Until a right-wing foundation funding 're-locations' gives the family a cash grant to move out of London, to the seaside town of Margate. Margate, famous for Turner sunsets and rollercoaster-ish highs and lows, has changed. The down-from-Londoners have moved back to the city, sun-curled For Sale signs litter the streets, hotels are empty. And the sea is higher. It's higher everywhere.As London distances itself from the rest of the country, Chance builds a home in Margate - navigating a turbulent relationship with her mother's new boyfriend Kole, looking after her new baby brother Blue, and breaking into abandoned houses with her best friend Davey. Chance is about to meet a girl who couldn't be more different to her - and she's about to fall in love in a way that will change her world, and her understanding of the world around her, forever.

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