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League of Liars

League of Liars

by Astrid Scholte

Four teenagers charged with the illegal use of magic get together to devise the ultimate jailbreak. A thrilling YA fantasy novel full of twists and turns, perfect for fans of Six Of Crows and Shadow and Bone.

Allen & Unwin
Publish Date
March 2022

Ever since his mother was killed in a freak edem-based crime, seventeen-year-old Cayder Broduck has had one goal: to have illegal users of extradimensional magic brought to justice. Cayder dreams of becoming a prosecutor and, when he secretly accepts an apprenticeship under the city's best public defender, he plans to learn every legal trick he can to one day dismantle defence arguments. Then he'll finally be able to make sure justice is served. But when he meets all three criminals he is to defend, he finds they are teenagers, like him, and their stories are. . . complicated, like his. As their cases unfold, Cayder must race to separate the truth from the lies and uncover what really happened the night his mother died. From the bestselling author of Four Dead Queens comes a heart-pounding mystery rife with secrets and danger, where nothing is as it seems...

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