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The Novel Project

The Novel Project

by Graeme Simsion

Easy to follow, practical and highly entertaining, The Novel Project is the inside scoop from an author who started his writing career at fifty and whose novels have sold millions of copies around the world. It will help you craft the best book you're capable of-no blood on forehead required.

Penguin Random House Australia Pty Ltd
Publish Date
March 2022

Writing is easy- all you do is sit staring at a blank sheet of paper until drops of blood form on your forehead.' Variously attributed to Thomas Wolfe, Paul Gallico and Ernest Hemingway, the quote portrays writing as mysterious, romantic and, implicitly, unteachable. This book is about another approach, based on established theories of creativity and design-and on the experience of authors who have adopted a more structured and reliable process. It's aimed at those who want to write a book for publication, or at least one that others will want to read. It could have been called What They Don't Teach You in Writing School, because its focus is on the writing process as a whole- it treats writing a book as a step-by-step project.

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