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Idiots, Follies And Misadventures

Idiots, Follies And Misadventures

by Mikey Robbins

Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the universe. Albert Einstein

Simon & Schuster
Publish Date
July 2023

The history books are full of heroes and villains... but what about all the idiots? Comedian and armchair historian Mikey Robins tells the astonishing story of human stupidity, one idiot at a time. Idiots, Follies and Misadventures shows that human stupidity has always been our constant companion. History tends to omit tales of human fallibility. We overlook the dubious and ridiculous contributions made by history's tawdry parade of knuckleheads. But this book is a call to arms ... Knuckleheads Assemble! And once assembled, prepare to be mocked. Just because history has mostly swept these idiots under the carpet does not make them by any means unsung heroes. These are rather ridiculous cautionary tales, to hopefully amuse and add some perspective to our current rash of stupidity.

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